Sunday, October 23, 2011

Body tired, Brain still running

Welcome back kids to another exciting blog adventure with Kyle's corner! It's 3:30 in the morning, and my body is tired, but my brain is running. So I decided to see what God might have for me and read some devotionals. I read many different ones, some that I have read before, and some I haven't. Then I came across Matthew 14:29:  “Come,” he said.

"Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus."

We all know this story fairly well from the Bible. That one word from Jesus: "Come".  It seems easy, doesn't it? In the story, we have Peter standing in a boat, and after Jesus invites him out on the troubled water, Peter steps out in faith, with confidence. He keeps his eyes on Jesus, and he too is walking on water. I lay here in bed wondering to myself how many times have I been invited to come to Him, and I didn't do it. Ouch. So often I, like Peter, let the waves consume my focus, whatever those waves are.

We are invited daily by Christ to just come to Him. To talk with Him, to spend  time with Him, to pray to Him, to follow Him, to obey Him. What is it that makes us think we don't need to listen to him, we don't need to talk to him? Why do we let other things in our lives become priority over taking time out for him? I'm not sure of the answer; I'm just talking or writing out loud here. We are always welcome to just come to him, even at 4:09 am, and that is what is awesome about our Savior.

I'm sure I could call a friend, or maybe a family member right now to talk, but the list would be short. When we talk with Christ, we don't have to worry about time or hope someone is up or willing to talk with us. Isn't it great to know that we have that invitation always waiting? It's just up to us to step out of our boats, our busy schedules, our lives...and just "Come" to Him and to do it in faith that He will help lead us through the waves, like He has done time and time again.

We are shown mercy and grace daily from him. He could easily let those waves crash down on us. What an awesome feeling it is to be able to read His word and have the opportunity to just talk with Him when most people are sleeping. In fact, doing so has helped calm my running brain.

So here is my encouragement for you...He loves you, He wants to hear from you, He wants to talk to you through his word, He wants you to accept an open invitation to just come to Him. It doesn't matter when, or why, or how. He enjoys you. He delights in you. How many people do you know delight in you? What an awesome God we worship and serve!! Take time today before those waves get any higher.

They can even be high for a tall guy like me.