Tuesday, March 7, 2023

 Mold Me

Thankful for God’s words in Philippians 1:6 and a good reminder. Sometimes we can’t see what God is doing. Sometimes we might feel distant from His presence (Usually our own doing). However, we are right where we need to be when we know Christ as Lord and Savior. When we allow Christ to lead us, focus on what he has in store, and believe in His promises, he will mold us and guide us to continue His good work, even amid struggles, pain, and loss, or even when things are good. He doesn’t waver. He doesn’t move. We are not perfect by any means. We will stumble and fall, but Christ will be there, ready to pick you back up, mold you through that time, and use it to complete His work. Yes!!! He will use YOU!! He already is!! Let’s continue to strive toward Him. Let’s not dwell on our mistakes. Seek Christ for forgiveness, then walk in His never-ending Grace. Let His work continue until His work is complete. Don’t let failures or mistakes define you. Let Christ mold you and grow you in those moments. The victory has already been won!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

 The everyday battle is often not lived out loud. Walking by someone they might have the biggest smile you ever seen while underneath they are wondering how much more they can take. Things that pop up or not on a planned schedule. It comes swooping in with little warning. Sometimes it shows up and takes over and no matter what technique, trick, approach, or  action it does not slow it down. Sometimes it grows and grows till you just break. Yes, there are times it goes away quickly. The rollercoaster of emotions you feel throughout a given day can grow you, it can show you how strong you are and yet it can break down that confidence and those walls just as fast. So why do I post about these things? I for one struggle with my aspects of mental illnesses. Illnesses is not really a word I would even want to call it.. I’m not ashamed of this fact. I’ve tried so called quick tactics to help you in the moment, I’ve read books, I’ve tried medicine. Nothing fully calms my mind, my restless thoughts, the darkness that seeps in. There are things that help. Praying, meditating, journaling, etc.

A few weeks back I had thoughts I hadn’t had in a long time. What would it be like if I wasn’t here? I don’t want to die. I have made no actions to back these thoughts up. I know that this isn’t my home. Thoughts that I’m failing. Thoughts about am I making a difference. These thoughts were not manifested by me. In fact they came after a great week of journaling and prayer. So I strive to remain close to Jesus. Some days I do better than others.

You never know what someone is battling. How has someone's day gone? Maybe they were mean, maybe they were rude. I try to remain centered each and every day. I still hold the door for people, say hi, give a wave to the little kid staring at the Giant. Even I have my off days. I can’t define what it’s like, I can’t explain what it’s like, all I can tell you as I’m not alone and neither are you. Many others and maybe even you reading this struggle with their mental illness. First of all, don’t isolate…YES even I need to read that. Find community, find hobbies etc. Second, don’t wait till you're at the bottom to ask for help. Third, don’t be afraid to share with others how you struggle. Fourth, remind yourself that you are worthy, you are enough, and you matter!! Fifth, don’t listen to this tall guy who has yet to solve anything. 

I also have decided to cut off some social platforms. It’s only been a few days but I have realized just how much I don’t really need them. Maybe I’ll write more…….crickets….crickets…

Welp there is so much more I could share…maybe another time. Keep on keeping on!! YOU GOT THIS!!!

988 is the suicide and crisis hotline number. Write it down, memorize it, share it!!

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Welcome to the new blog series called Tall Eye View. Come sit down and read tales of the encounters of a tall guy. Oh, and if you get bored you can always check out all my old blogs. I guess a 5-year hiatus is long enough. So here you go.

This first tale isn't necessarily about me being called tall or making kids laugh or cry. This might be one of my most embarrassing moments. I was at the store getting some shopping done. Sometimes, when I'm at the store, I help get the tall items off the shelf for other customers. So, I'm walking and coming to the end of the aisle. Here is a bit of advice: the end of the aisle is like a 4-way stop. You should always check and see if anyone is coming. Well, I hadn't quite made it to the end when a little kid came around the corner, and I accidentally plowed into him, knocking him down. Out of fear and concern, I quickly tried to help him up. He was face down. I apologized and said, "Little boy are you ok? I didn't see you coming!" I offered to help him up. The little boy got up and looked at me. At this point I then realized he wasn't a little boy. He was an adult little person, complete with facial hair. I apologized again and quickly got out of there. I felt horrible. Even though it wasn't my fault I knocked him down. I had the right-of-way. I truly didn't realize he was an adult. So, look where you are going, and I won't run you over and call you a little boy.

Saturday, October 4, 2014


Oct. 4th

Hello everyone. Man I have fallen off on these blogs. I haven't forgotten about them. I have just been really busy. Working over 50 hours a week, busy at church and other activities. I have recently been reading a book recently and it has really spoken to me. Life is good. About to celebrate one year of marriage. It has gone fast. We continue to serve and grow in our relationship with Christ and each other. I'm not sure anyone else could put up with all my antics. Had a really good day today getting some relaxation. Sometimes you just got to take time for yourself. Also, got to catch up with a good friend and we are excited to see him step out in faith and follow his passion and the will God has laid out for his life. It is funny cause the book I'm reading talks about really following and not just following when we want.

Life is good. We really can't complain about anything. We are surrounded by great friends and family. At times we wish we were in other occupations, but God is taking care of us. We currently or working on our debt, and I'm still trying to drop some weight. Both are good things not just for ourselves but hopefully we can honor God with our finances and health.

Hopefully I can get back on track with these blogs. I will try and share more about what God is doing in our lives. God Bless!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Psalm 27:14

Waiting....we all have had times in our life where we might get angry or upset with waiting.  Waiting in rush hour traffic can be one of the most frustrating things we face.  Waiting in the doctors hospital.  Maybe even waiting in the grocery line.

Another aspect in our lives might be waiting on our Lord.  We live in a gotta have it now generation.  People line up for hours for the next iphone.  When we were younger we would wait hours to ride a roller coaster or other thrill ride.  Some people even wait for food.

It can be difficult at times to wait on the Lord.  Often times we grow impatient or weary at waiting.  Sometimes we give up even though we see He answers our prayers or reveals His power, mercy, grace, and love another way.  We often overlook the prayers He has answered or the blessings we have already received.

I encourage you to wait for His will.  Continue to pray.  Continue to preserve.  Continue to praise.  Continue to do Hus work and be light to those around you.  Don't lose focus and give up.  Fix your eyes upon His glory and live today and let Him control all aspects of your life.  He is sovereign and unchanging.  He is constant in our every changing lives.  Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord.

Monday, September 22, 2014


Sept. 22nd
Phil. 4:4

Yesterday we discussed how sometimes are actions are different when we are around other people.  I asked the question do you act differently when God is around?  After a little discussion they said that God is always around,  but our focus isn't always on Him.

We also discussed finding joy even in the difficult times.  It was a encouraging discussion with many different youth being open and honest. 

Paul here encourages us first to live in harmony.  He challenges us to live a spiritual disciplined life.  One where we recognize God is near.  God is near and can guide us through the trials of life.  Gid is also near when we are not living out the light inside us.  God sees all things.

This is a close relationship.   Not only are we to live in harmony with others,  but we must live in harmony with Christ as well.  Our character should be the same as if He is near at all times.

Lord,  I need your strength to live out and walk in this kind of harmony.  Help me feel and recognize you are near.  Help me hold you close to my heart even in those difficult times.  Help me overcome distraction and burden my heart not just for you, but for others as well.

Friday, September 19, 2014


Sept. 19th

We can look throughout the Bible and even in our own lives and see how He was greater then our storm, our struggle, our pain, and even our sin.

Whatever you are facing today I encourage you to give it to Him who is Greater. Give a listen to the Mercy Me song.  Sing it out and with confidence that our afflictions are small and monetary compared to the glory of Christ.