Monday, September 15, 2014


Sept. 15th
Philippians 2:19-30

Looking at this passage really made me think about the relationships in my life and how blessed I 'am to have each one of them.  We can look at this passage and the relationship between Paul and Timothy.  On Sunday we discussed this relationship and I asked who could we trust in our life, and who would trust us?

Being trustworthy plays a vital role in relationships.  It would seem being a Christian that we automatically would be trustworthy.  However, how many times do we find something later, or too late.  Not only is it important for us to have people we can depend on, but we must strive to earn trust from others.  Early in life we give people the benefit of the doubt and trust them right away.  However, our trust for these people gets broken and blurry.  People let us down, hurt us, or maybe even fail us.

We can look in the Bible at many different relationships that were dependent on trust.  We see where Jesus trusted 12 disciples to follow him.  How can we be more trustworthy?  We must try and model the examples scripture gives us.  What better example do we have?  We can see how trust and love were in the forefront.  In this life we all need someone to walk with us.  A spouse, family member, friend, mentor, etc.  We also must seek that relationship with Christ first.  He is always trustworthy, and if we follow God's will and let that will guide us we will be lead to relationships that will grow us, guide us, mold us, and transform us.  Maybe you know someone that needs someone trustworthy in their life right now.  We need people who don't always seek their own interests, but look out for others intentions and well being.

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