Friday, September 12, 2014


Sept. 12th
Romans 15:1

The world tries to tell us to only worry about yourself.  Sometimes it tells us we have to hurt others to gain higher positions or power.  It tells us only the strongest survive. 

As followers of Christ we can't just look at our selfish desires.  While it is important to take care of ourselves, and our families we must do so without hurting others.

We have been called out by Christ to help those who are weak.  Jesus ministry was about helping those who were weak.  This weakness doesn't necessarily have to be a physical ailment.  We are to step up and help those who suffer, struggle, sin or many other things that make us weak.  Those who are strong in Christ are to deny themselves and help those who are weak become strong in Christ.

There will be times when we become weak.  Wouldn't we want someone strong in Christ to help us back up.  Someone to encourage us, pray for us, and love us.

We tend to turn our backs sometimes when someone is going through a time of weakness.  We hold certain types of sins higher than others.  We are all sinners.  We can still help those who have made bad decisions.  We all go through a time of weakness.  We must keep our eyes on Christ our only source of strength and direct those are weak toward His light and loving grace.

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