Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Col. 4:2

We just started a series at church on prayer.  As you have seen many of these blogs have mentioned prayer.  Prayer takes devotion. A basic description of devotion is to love someone. One quote I read said prayer is the Christian's breath. We can't live without air and we can't walk with Christ without prayer.

Prayer has been labeled as a negative action in the last few decades. Prayer in school is banned.  Prayer at sporting events or other functions have been banned.  It seems others get offended at prayer or argue that prayer to God is against their religion. 

We must stay devoted.  No matter the obstacles or trials that may come our way.  Prayer doesn't have to be out loud or outside.  Prayer can take place anywhere and anytime.

I really enjoy Max Lucado books and I can't wait to read his newest one titled Before Amen.

I encourage you to be devoted to prayer.  If we love our father above then we should devote our time in prayer.

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