Monday, September 8, 2014


Sept. 8th

Sorry for not posting the past few days.

So our church started financial peace last night.  I have been through the class already.  However,  we felt we needed a refresher.

I know that not everyone agrees with Dave Ramsey.  He seems a little crazy with some of this stuff.  I can only tell you that if you put forth an effort you will see results.  We payed for a wedding and have payed off at least $2,000 in debt using some of the tools we gained from this class.

Debt can be crippling to not only you and your spouse.  It can hurt your children or parents.  I encourage you to try out the class or really think about your finances.  Start with a budget.  I'm not promising you will make millions or get out of debt. But you will be better prepared going forward.  It feels great when you hit milestones like cutting up a credit card.  Check around for classes.  It is one of the best investments you will ever make.

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